Why should I join slht?
  • Because slht provides you an opportunity to serve the society in a selfless manner and brings spiritual development in our personality which satisfies our body, mind & soul.

What kinds of memberships are available/ how can I join slht?
  • Join as a Volunteer member / Gouranga Youth Club Member
  • Join as a Spiritual Trainer
  • Join as a financial Supporter
  • Join as a Spiritual Practitioner
Do I have to leave my house or my job?
  • Definitely not, you can devote your skills & leisure time in learning the vedic Knowledge and serve the mission under the guidance of Senior Practitioner.

Do I need some specific qualification?
  • You have all the qualification since you are in a Human body. We’ll train you to develop required skills for the services.

How can I join shlt?
  • Write us at,
  • slht4u@gmail.com
  • Fill the Joining form
  • Call us.